Samantha Murozoki brings smiles to 2500 vulnerable souls with large Christmas lunch

On the 25th of December Zimbabwe joins other Christian inhabitants of God's green earth in celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.The Christmas holiday are a time to be merry,catch up with family and having the tastiest of meals in those dinner plates African mothers otherwise keep secure in top secret facilities.However with an economy in shambles made even worse by a pandemic that shows no sign of slowing down many souls faced a rather bleak Christmas itself the culmination of months of food insecurity.For residents of Chitungwiza however the heavens smiled on them and sent a real life Maggi with gifts in the form of Samantha Shingirirai Murozoki.

Operating under the Kuchengetana Trust  Madame Murozoki and her team of volunteers sourced various foodstuffs,toys  and made sure over 2500 souls had a cheer on their face and a bounty meal in their stomachs.A lunch of Sadza,Rice,Turkey,Chicken and Beef was served mostly to the young and elderly two of the most vulnerable groups seeing as they are either too old or too young to scrounge for meals to get by.

The Christmas lunch caps of a long year filled with dedication and sometimes harrasment from the establishment for the immigration lawyer and her team.Christmas day  was day 253 since she started her soup kitchen after hearing the plight of a neighbouring family which had gone for a few days without a decent meal.At one point the Chitungwiza Town Council threatened to shut Samantha's operations down citing health concerns but public outcry made them reconsider.Since then her story has been amplified to various parts of the globe but she still needs all the support she needs to continue her good work.Kindly follow the details on the flier below to donate and follow Kuchegetana Trust on social media for daily breakdowns of how many meals have been served and how much resources used.
