Sunday Service: Mathius Mhere and Mambo Dhuterere's WeHumambo

Show me a man who has not heard a Mambo Dhuterere song being blasted from every second kombi or shop in Zimbabwe and i will show you a liar.The man has been a refreshing addition to the Zimbabwean music scene which tends to be monotonous at times what with the same old faces and voices.While Ndisesekedze is many people's current favorite his collaboration with Mathius Mhere is our favorite here at Kool Kidz Zimbabwe.

Mambo Dhuterere's powerful voice merges with Mhere's equally powerful voice in a prayer to the powers that be to look out for their respective souls in a dangerous world that would rejoice at their demise.NAXO Films shot the video whose desert like scenery is a powerful metaphor for a cold and barren world which can only be replenished by the most high for his children those chosen and belonging to royal blood.As per usual Mambo Dhuterere brings flair and just the correct amount of swag to his 'Vapostori' gab in this video that is bound to uplift the spirit of any believer going through turbulent times and thinking the Lord is not looking out for them
