Sunday Service: Who reworked Steve Kekana's Usafira better,Zimpraise or Joyful Praise Choir?

Many many moons ago watching ZBC Ezomgido a certain song by one Steve Kekana was almost always guaranteed to make you the  Religious and Moral Education lesson  you had attended earlier.Titled uSafira the song retold that all too familiar story of Annanias and Safira who sold their property to finance the Lord's work only to hold back part of the funds resulting in their untimely demise.Fast foward to 2019 and two gospel powerhouses in Zimbabwe i.e Joyful Praise Choir and Zim Praise have done renditions of that timeless classic and we are not mad.

Joyful Praise Choir who rose to prominence with their smash hit Ngoro Yeminana were the first to pay homage to Kekana on their debut live DVD recording.Not to be outdone Zim Praise,the Joseph Madziyire led gospel outfit that changed the choral music landscape in Zimbabwe soon followed with their own adaption.Sundays being made for worship we couldnt help but pit the two songs against each other and hear from the gallery whose rendition is the best.
